Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Why do I always do this??...

Damn.its the 3rd of June already. The mere thought it hurts so much. What big dreams and hopes I had of studying systematically and thoroughly and referring many "phoren" authors and blah blah..Sheesh!!...Nothing worked out..not even a bit..I'm not even close to finishing half of the target I had set. I have no idea why i put my self through this routine during every goddamn exam I have given in my entire life. Why don't I ever realize that my life right now would have been much easier and much less stressful had i put in a little effort everyday of my PL's. But no..this fact just does not get into my head and only when panic strikes do I actually sit down and study for a decently long time at stretch. But its just too late...and its too difficult right now to reach my set goals at this juncture...Please God help me! :(

My whole life I have studied only at the last minute. By God's grace I have passed all my exams and never failed (barring a few practicals)..But i realize had i put in a little effort..just a little every day..then that last minute hustle-bustle could've been easily avoided, revisons could've been done a lot more thoroughly rather than the usual frantic page-turning an hour before the exam...And maybe I would've remembered some stupid definitions and diagrams a lot more clearly.. effectively fetching me a few more marks..In fact, cumulatively speaking, it would've resulted in a massive jump in my engineering career graph...But naah..Here i am..barely managing to complete the course once even on the morning of the exam..I realize its sheer negligence and utter irresponsibility on my part. It is entirely my own fault and no one else's...Anyway there is nothing that can be done about my past results. They are over and they wont change now..But there is one last exam left. And its still the same situation. Moutains of Workload still left to do...Sighhh..When will I learn?..Well what's the point of improving now eh? This might just be the last exam I am giving in my life..(I am not considering my future studies now)...But I had promised my mum I would score well. And I hope I realize this soon and work hard...in whatever little time is left.wish me goodluck guys..this exam is for my mom..

(Aww man..what the hell am i doing here on Blogger..K pple..m signing out..cya later..mebbe in 3 weeks??...)



Aniruddha Agarwal said...

Its as if i'm writing this stuff..

Too depressing, my PL's going on too and i'm wasting so much time.
I dint know this concept of "phoren authors" exists with you guys as well.

Rahul said...

pheku... saale.. sabse bada pheku hai.. :D
last minute? bullshit.. sabse pehlse portion khatam hota hai.. and just cause u dont get to revise in time, dont say last minute padhai :P

Mudit said...

barring a few pracs and Moon and Shrimathy if I remember correctly. And yes you are a big pheku.. U do finish up the course early. You even made haley come to the library ... now thats something..