Monday, May 26, 2008

UCL '08 Finals .... in darkness :(

The Champions league final this year was something i was looking forward to earnestly..Man u Vs Chelsea..The first all English Champions league final..Two of the best clubs in the EPL..with tensions already running high after Man U's Premiership victory this year..the stage was set for a high voltage match between the two sides...but alas, it turned out to be a frustrating affair for me...

I was poking and persuading my friends to find some pub or bar that would show the match..but that unfortunately did not work out. So i was preparing to watch it at my home itself. The match was scheduled to begin at fifteen minutes past midnight on 21st..It was just about to turn on the TV when .(click,click,tsssh), (beep,beep,beep [the comp's UPS])..the damn lights went out...

I am sure you can understand what I was going through at that point of time..I was cursing MSEB at the top of my voice...The entire day electricity was fact it was pretty stable for the past few days and it wasnt even a load-shedding day. I was praying real hard hoping that the lights would come back on soon but it did not even after 15-20 mins. I gave up then and rushed to my friend's place who did not have a TV but i was hoping to atleast be updated to the match through the net. I reached his place when the score became 1-0 with Ronaldo scoring. I was frantically texting my friends asking what happened and how he scored n stuff and was still upset coz i could not watch the match...I probably was there till the end of the match..missed Lamp's equaliser too :( flat-mate finally texted me to inform me that the lights have come back on. I rushed back to watch atleast the extra time. But luck just did not seem to be with me that day..I dont know which blasted SOB made Ten Sports disapper from the TV...i was so angry that time because i had to waste time tuning the fu%#$ing TV. Holy shit..I dont think i was so irritated ever in my life...then finally the damn channel came on channel no 76..bloody took so long to get there..I was able to watch a few minutes of extra time..since the score was still tied I was hoping that the game would go to penalties and it did..Extra time came to and end and i was just about to get a glass of water for myself when it happened again..(click,click,tssh) beeps this time as the comp was shut..:(:(..

I gave up then and went to my room...I tried to remain calm and tried to reason with myself thinking maybe God did not want me to watch it live :P:P...but no i could not console myself..i missed what i think was a nail biting penalty. My friend messaged me and told me that Man U won..Im not a fan of either teams but still i felt bad i missed the penalty...i then tried to sleep..but since mosquitoes were sucking every drop of blood from my body i could not sleep at all. Moreover it was also quite hot. I realized that sleeping was out of question right now and just sat in balcony waiting....

Electricity finally came back at 5 am. With the fan back on, i could finally get some sleep. Thankfully then All-out was taking care of the job of killing the mosquitoes for me..(though i feel mosquitoes have evolved and have grown to be immune to such chemicals)...I finally saw the match at 10 am the next day..They were actually fighting tooth and nail for the cup.. Man U dominated the first half and Chelsea the 2nd.. Tensions were running high with Drogba slapping Vidic and being sent off. But the highlight was no doubt, the penalty shootout. I was sitting on the edge of my seat watchng them. I feel sad for JT though, with the poor guy undergoing therapy to recover from the pain of his penalty miss. And Chelsea's also without a manager now..The last i heard almost 10 players are going to exit during the forthcoming transfer window with Abramovich wanting a new set of players to up the ante further.I heard he'll be trying to entice Milan with loads of cash for Kaka..Anyway..lets hope something good happens for them next year...For now, its Man U all the way...:)...Glory Glory...

PS: MSEB should be sued to inflict such pain on people...


Aniruddha Agarwal said...

Unfortunately, i dont follow this sport.
I would have commented, alas.
The only thing i know is that most people around me supported Man U:)n i am, of course, with the winner!

Unknown said...

Screw MSEB seems like the story of every household going through this pain of endless power cuts..:(

FrostBite said...

Nice blog man..........enjoyed it.......i was rooting for Chelsea the entire match............i thought they played better........just fortunate that i was able to watch the whole match.........sour at the end cause the second best team won.....

soulmariner said...
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soulmariner said...

lol.. dude.. u shd hav come over to my place!! there were atleast 10 ppl here.. alu,me verma and few more.. u missed a great match.. he he :).. we were supporting chelsea tho.. me n alu were depressed for 2 days after that final.. :(

btw gandi here.. :)

Rahul said...

firstly .. its Man United, not Man U.. :P

FYI.. Man U is a derogatory term used by Citeh fans

secondly, may JT die in hell for all i care. :)

Rahul said...

and Hahahahahaha @Soulmariner :D