Saturday, June 21, 2008

I've shifted to Wordpress

Hey everyone, I've now shifted my entire blog to
Wordpress. Hope to see you on the other side..Reasons for my switch have been explained there..I mite come back here though when Blogger gets better...I have faith in Google!

Friday, June 20, 2008

The End of an Era

Finally i can blog in peace!!...something I've been waiting for desperately ..I've also crossed another milestone in my life...a big one that.. aka i'm a graduate..(well almost leaving aside a few minor technicalities the details of which are pretty much trivial right now :p)..and its about time I graduated..considerig that all of my batchmates from school have already graduated and got on with other pursuits..And added with the fact that the rest of the students in my college were done two days back and their celebrations just made me feel all the more unhappy about my plight!...It was a painful and tiring wait till the 18th of June, 2008...the day i gave my last exam in engineering.

When just two minutes were left for the bell to ring, most of us simply put down our pens and were just staring at our watches. My entire class let out a collective sigh of relief and joy when the invigilator finally took our answer sheets from us. Everyone just could not stop smiling. People were seen congratulating and hugging each other, with the occasional whoops and jumps in the air. I was pretty indifferent to all the outpouring of sentiments and just wished everyone good luck for their future endeavours. The emotional detachment continued for some time until the hard truth hit me like a ton of bricks some time in the night. But more on that later...

My good friend and classmate Anurag had called all of us to Zaha's (a popular disc in the city) for a final party before we all go our own ways. The disc was packed to its seams. The number of people who turned up was huge!!. Many people who were never seen before in the “PICT party circuit” came for this one. It was a good party. The DJ played some really good Bollywood numbers which kept everyone on the floor. It was all going very hunky dory until the DJ who apparently got infected with the “graduation virus” started playing some senti tracks like Yaaron by KK. And then it all started.

The disc's atmosphere switched abruptly. The girls started sobbing hysterically and were in a tight embrace for a long time. I even saw a few guys surreptiously leak a few tears. It was akin to scenes you generally witness in airports or railway stations. It was slightly amusing to me at first. Yes you can say that I have the emotional range of a teaspoon :P. I will no doubt miss all my friends and will miss all the good times we've spent, but that's all I felt till then. But then I started wondering why everyone was raising such a hue and cry. I realized that such strong bonds of friendship and love were created at nurtured here in my college. It really hurts when someone you love so much is going away from you. It hurts when you realize you are not going to see the person you saw everyday, hung out with, studied with the same frequency as now. I know that I will be devastated when the most special person in my life here will part ways with me. I cannot even begin to imagine not seeing her for even a day or speaking to her everyday. How am I going to deal with it is something God alone knows. I do hope though, that some plans and promises we made turn into reality (Please God please!! )..That brings me to another relevant issue in this regard. Promises...

People solemnly pledge stuff like “We'll definitely keep in touch” or “We'll surely meet up during Diwali/New Year's”...I am sure people will do their best to keep up to their promises but who knows what life has in store for us. Promises of keeping in touch are the worst kept promises in the world and its mostly because people rarely get time to be in touch with their old pals when they move on. Its human nature I guess?. I learnt it the hard way when I left school. I have been negligent myself towards my old school buddies though I can say that I've been well in touch with a couple of my closest pals. The rise of social networking websites like Facebook and Orkut is also a great way to keep in touch and find long lost pals. Plus a majority of my friends are going to be in the southern states i.e Maharashtra and below (atleast for now) and that gives me a glimmer of joy that meeting them sometime would not be a major issue and we could definitely choose a common place to meet (read Goa :) )...Anyway, I also know many relationships in my college that are not going to be affected by physical barriers and dont need Orkut to survive!... I just hope I can adequately be in touch with the ones I love and the friendships I built and maintained till now...remain for life...Inshallah!

I raise a toast to all my friends. Happy graduation and I wish you a very successful life ahead. May the force be with you. :)..God Bless..And please be in touch and read my blog :P..

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Class Portrait :)

Now that college is coming to an end, people like me are heaving a sigh of relief and are in anticipation of something new and exciting that lay ahead. But memories always remain, and I hope to keep some of them up here...and I start with this amazing piece of work done by Kedar..Photoshop?..I dunno really..but forgive my ignorance..anyway..I really appreciate Kedar for putting in so much efforts... Great job buddy!.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Why do I always do this??...

Damn.its the 3rd of June already. The mere thought it hurts so much. What big dreams and hopes I had of studying systematically and thoroughly and referring many "phoren" authors and blah blah..Sheesh!!...Nothing worked out..not even a bit..I'm not even close to finishing half of the target I had set. I have no idea why i put my self through this routine during every goddamn exam I have given in my entire life. Why don't I ever realize that my life right now would have been much easier and much less stressful had i put in a little effort everyday of my PL's. But no..this fact just does not get into my head and only when panic strikes do I actually sit down and study for a decently long time at stretch. But its just too late...and its too difficult right now to reach my set goals at this juncture...Please God help me! :(

My whole life I have studied only at the last minute. By God's grace I have passed all my exams and never failed (barring a few practicals)..But i realize had i put in a little effort..just a little every day..then that last minute hustle-bustle could've been easily avoided, revisons could've been done a lot more thoroughly rather than the usual frantic page-turning an hour before the exam...And maybe I would've remembered some stupid definitions and diagrams a lot more clearly.. effectively fetching me a few more marks..In fact, cumulatively speaking, it would've resulted in a massive jump in my engineering career graph...But naah..Here i am..barely managing to complete the course once even on the morning of the exam..I realize its sheer negligence and utter irresponsibility on my part. It is entirely my own fault and no one else's...Anyway there is nothing that can be done about my past results. They are over and they wont change now..But there is one last exam left. And its still the same situation. Moutains of Workload still left to do...Sighhh..When will I learn?..Well what's the point of improving now eh? This might just be the last exam I am giving in my life..(I am not considering my future studies now)...But I had promised my mum I would score well. And I hope I realize this soon and work whatever little time is left.wish me goodluck guys..this exam is for my mom..

(Aww man..what the hell am i doing here on Blogger..K pple..m signing out..cya later..mebbe in 3 weeks??...)
